Hawaii Website Design – Tips in Achieving a Minimalistic Web Design

Today, web design tends to focus more on good user experience. Therefore, designers need to create websites that are functional. If you want to have an attractive yet functional website, I suggest going for a minimalistic approach. As a result, it can simplify and improve the overall user experience. If you want to learn more about improving user experience, refer to Tips on Improving User Experience and Increasing Conversions.

What Is Minimalist Web Design?

Currently, minimalism is a powerful technique when it comes to modern web design. A lot of people have been going for a minimalist looking website because the more elements a design has, the more complex it looks to a user. Just like what I said on Principles of a Good Website (Part 1), strive for simplicity instead of complexity. When minimalistic approaches are applied correctly, it can help in simplifying users’ tasks.

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A minimalist web design seeks to simplify user interfaces by getting rid of unnecessary elements and content. To be able to create a truly minimalist interface, a designer should show the users what is essential. According to a study conducted by EyeQuant, it suggests that websites with clean designs have lower bounce rate. So, if you are someone who has issues with bounce rate, it may be best to switch to a minimalist web design.

When it comes to a minimalist web design, the most important feature is negative space (or white space). If you want to know how you can achieve a minimalistic web design, here are some tips you can follow:

  1. Follow the “one concept per page” rule.

The central idea of minimalist philosophy is to design around the content. This doesn’t only get rid of distractions, but also gives emphasis on what’s important. When you have a strong focal area, it makes the message clearer.

  1. Get rid of all unnecessary words.

When it comes to minimalism, you don’t need a lot of words. You have to be able to communicate with users concisely. When you design, keep only what is needed to explain your message.

  1. Ensure easy navigation for users.

One of the top objectives of web design is easy navigation. A user should be able accomplish tasks easily and without distraction. If you design minimalist websites, make sure visitors can easily find what they need. If a user can easily find what he is looking for, it is more likely that he will stay on your site longer.

RELATED: How to Keep Your Audience Stay Longer on Your Website

  1. Don’t be afraid to use animation.

Good UI animation is meaningful and functional. So, when it comes to having a minimalist web design, animation is your best friend.  Just make sure to keep it subtle. When you incorporate animation, it makes it fun for users to interact with your website.

In conclusion, less is really more. So, when you want to achieve a minimalistic web design, always avoid anything unnecessary to the function. Remember that when you go for minimalism, clarity and functionality should always be present. When you combine of usability and aesthetics, you will have an attractive and functional website. If you want to know how you can improve your website, read Website Investments You Should Spend On (Part 1).

Hawaii Website Design – Principles of a Good Website (Part 2)

Web, Macbook, Air, Apple, Graphics, Design, Icons

On Principles of a Good Website (Part 1), I discussed three principles when you want to have a good website. Like I said on my previous post, the usability and utility of a website determines its success. Website design does not automatically pertain to how it looks like, but rather on how it works. Also, if you want to rank well on Google, ensure the effectiveness of your website.

Moving on, here are more principles that can help you have a good website:

  1. Don’t waste the user’s patience.

When you offer your visitors services or tools, try to keep the requirements low. When you keep the requirements minimal, it does not only contribute to having a good website, it can also help you in gaining more website conversions.

RELATED: Tips on How to Generate More Website Conversions (Part 1)

When a website requires less action from users to test a service, it is more likely that they will actually try it out. So, the best thing you can do is to let users try out your services without forcing them into sharing private data. It’s impractical to force users to fill out forms for a service they might never use at all. To put it simply, remove all barriers. If you require registrations first, it will be an impediment to user navigation.

  1. Create content with effective writing.

When you create content, it’s essential to adjust your writing style to user’s preferences. When you write in long text blocks, it’s likely that users won’t read it. To achieve effective writing, you have to write with short and concise phrases. Make sure you are being direct to the point. Also, if you want to learn more about writing content, read Essential Writing Tips For Blogging.

When you present information to the user, make sure you are presenting it clearly. You can do this by using plain and objective language. Aside from that, you can also incorporate visual elements to achieve a scannable layout.

  1. TETO-principle

In every web design project, the TETO-principle should always be applied. TETO means “Test Early, Test Often” When you conduct usability tests, it can provide significant insights about problems and issues related to a provided layout.

Here are some important things you should keep in mind when conducting tests:

  • Testing is an repetitive process. This means that when you design something, you have to test it, fix it and then test it again. It is important to test it again because there might be problems that haven’t been found during the first round.
  • Usability tests always produce beneficial results. After every test, you’ll either be directed to the problems that you have or you’ll be pointed to the lack of major design flaws. Either way, both cases can be a useful insight for your project.

As a conclusion, when you keep in mind all these principles of good website design, you will be able to create a functional website. When these principles are utilized correctly, you are one step closer to having a successful website. In line with this, read What A Successful Website Needs to know more about the things that make up a successful website. Also, if you want to create a minimalistic web design, refer to Tips in Achieving a Minimalistic Web Design.

Hawaii Website Design – Principles of a Good Website (Part 1)

Today, I’m going to discuss about the main principles and approaches for an effective web design. When applied properly, these approaches can lead to more refined design decisions. Contrary to popular belief, the visual design of a website doesn’t contribute much to its overall success. The usability and utility of a website are the ones that determine the success or failure of a website.

turned on MacBook Pro beside gray mug

When they visit your site, you have to make sure that their user experience will be outstanding. By having a user-centric design, you will have a successful and profit-oriented web design. Make sure that every feature you put out on your site is usable. After all, if users can’t use a feature, it might as well not exist at all.

RELATED: Tips on Improving User Experience and Increasing Conversions

Before we go over the principles of a good website, we have to understand how users interact with websites first. We have to know what are the fundamental patterns of users’ behavior and how they think.

How Do Users Think?

  • Users don’t read, they scan. When they arrive on a web page, they analyze it and search for anchors that would guide through the content of the page.
  • Users want to have control over their browser. In other words, they don’t want new windows popping up unexpectedly. Therefore, it’s a good method to never open links in new browser windows.
  • Users tend to be impatient. Oftentimes, they have the urge for instant gratification. For example, a website didn’t meet the users’ expectations, then the designer wasn’t able to do his job properly. As a result, the company will lose money which is what we’re trying to avoid.
  • Users appreciate quality and credibility. When you provide users with great content, your site will surely gain a lot of traffic. In short, content is much more important than the design.

Now that we know how users think, it’s time to discuss the principles that make up a good website.

  1. Don’t make users think too much.

As stated by Krug’s first law of usability, the web page should be clear and understandable. Don’t make the users think too much. Make sure that your site architecture and navigation is instinctive. If a site isn’t instinctive enough, it will be hard for users to comprehend how the system works and how to navigate from point A to point B. Always provide users with clear structure that can help them navigate through your website smoothly.

  1. Always strive for simplicity.

When you create a website, strive for simplicity instead of complexity. Make sure that you are clearly presenting information about your website. The primary goal of a site design should be the KIS principle. KIS stands for Keep It Simple.

It’s a rare occurrence that users visit a site just to simply enjoy the design. Most of the time, users do not focus on how the website looks like when they visit sites. This is because they are searching for information rather than focusing on a website’s appearance.

  1. White space isn’t something you should be afraid of.

White space is important. When you utilize white spaces, it can help in reducing the cognitive load for users who visit your site. Additionally, it also makes it possible for users to easily digest the information presented on the screen. So, if you want users to easily understand your content, make sure to incorporate enough white spaces.

RELATED: Important Tips to Make Your Blogs Easier to Read

In conclusion, these are just some of the principles you should apply if you want to have a good website. There are still a few more principles that I’ll discuss about on Principles of a Good Website (Part 2). If you plan to create a website, reading Things to Establish Before Building a Website (Part 1) and Things to Establish Before Building a Website (Part 2) might be helpful.

Hawaii Website Design – Everything You Need to Know About Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)

man sitting beside painting lot

The internet makes it easier for artists, authors, photographers, and writers to upload their works online. However, it has also become effortless for others to steal them. So, what can you do if someone illegally takes your photos, videos, or books and sells them? The Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA) has the answer to that question.

What is the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA)?

On October 28, 1998, the US government passed the Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA). The act aims to balance the interests of copyright owners and users. Moreover, it also intends to look into any sort of copyright infringement that arise in the digital world.

Does DMCA apply worldwide?

The short answer is no. The DMCA is part of the United States copyright law; therefore, it is applicable only to the websites hosted in the US. All sites hosted in the US are expected to obey the law. For instance, the copyright owner lives outside of the US. He can still issue a DMCA notice as long as the hosting website is located in the United States.

What is a DMCA safe harbor?

The DMCA safe harbor is a provision of the DMCA. It aims to provide a safe haven to Online Service Providers (OSP) by excluding them from direct copyright infringement. Additionally, there are four permitted safe harbors under the DMCA. In other words, the Congress approved of these safe harbors. The permitted safe harbors are as follows:

  • System caching
  • Information location tools
  • Temporary digital network communication
  • Storing information at the user’s direction on system or network

Moreover, the provision aims to improve the quality and variety of services provided on the internet.

What is fair use?

According to Wikipedia, fair use permits limited use of copyrighted material without having to acquire permission from the copyright holder. Moreover, it also promotes creativity using the copyrighted content. If you use copyrighted materials for purposes like news reporting or research, you won’t be charged with copyright infringement.

If you want to determine whether there was Fair Use of the copyrighted work or not, consider the following factors below:

  • Nature of the copyrighted work/content
  • Usage purpose of the copyrighted work; whether it’s of commercial nature or for educational purposes
  • The amount and substantiality of the portion used by the third person
  • How the portion used will affect the potential market and its impact on the value of the copyrighted content

What is a DMCA takedown notice?

A DMCA takedown notice is an official notification to the company, search engine, ISP or web host that informs them that the material they are hosting or linking to infringes on a copyright. Once a company or website receives a notice, they should immediately take down the copyrighted material. The ISP can forcibly take down the content if the company won’t remove the the copyrighted material right away.

You can send a DMCA takedown notice for copyrighted materials such as books, poetry, images, videos, songs, and even digital softwares. However, when the website that hosts the copyrighted content is not located either in the US, you might face some hurdles.

In conclusion, be careful when you use materials found on the internet. Make sure that you are abiding by the copyright laws. If you want to know how to properly credit someone, read How to Give Proper Credit When Using Creative Works. Also, if you want to use stock photos on your website, I have shared some tips on 8 Ways to Use Stock Photos on Your Website.

Hawaii Website Design – How to Give Proper Credit When Using Creative Works

Previously on All You Need to Know About Creative Commons, I talked about different creative licenses under Creative Commons (CC). It is really important to check the license and usage details of a creative piece before you use it. Plus, it’s considered common courtesy to give credit to the original owner, that’s why you should know how to give credit in the right way.

person using laptop on table

If you do not know how to give proper credit when you use creative works, you’re actually breaking the law. When you do break the law, you will face serious consequences, and that is something you should avoid at all costs. Now, I will share to you how you can give proper credit when you use other people’s creative works.

When you give credit where credit is due, you are actually building trust with your audience. Don’t worry about driving your visitors elsewhere because there is only a slight possibility that this could happen. Rather, focus on the fact that your SEO can actually benefit from inserting outbound links to high-quality sources.

How to Give Proper Credit

  1. Make sure you have permission to use the creative piece. If that creative work doesn’t have any Creative Commons license, you should email the owner to see if you can use their image. For example, if you use an image on your blog post, write the owner’s name and link underneath the photo. If, by any chance, the owner does not have a personal website, provide the link to the website where you got the photo instead.
    Here is a sample format on how you can properly give credits: “Photo by [artist name with the link to their website]” or “Image by [artist name] via [link to the website where you sourced the photo].”
  2. If the photo you used was found on Pinterest or Google Images, it’s not enough to simply cite Google or Pinterest as the source. This is because Pinterest and Google are just search engines. They are not the original source and oftentimes, they do not link back to the original creator.
    If the owner’s details can’t be seen, the best thing you can do is to do a reverse image search. This can help you find the original image and then acquire permission from there. However, if you’re still unable to find the original source, it’s best to look for another image to use.
  1. If you’re reposting a creative work on social media, always make sure that you tag the owner. For example, if you want to repost a creative work on Facebook, you can just simply share the original post onto your Facebook page, and all of the owner’s info will automatically be there, assuming that the poster is the original owner.

What Happens if You Don’t Give Credits?

When you don’t give credit where it’s due, you can be sued by the owner for copyright infringement. Those who are found guilty may have to pay thousands of dollars. Moreover, this will also be a huge blow if you’re still a starting business. That is why it’s better to use royalty-free images to avoid any legal consequences. Learn more about royalty-free images HERE. On the next topic, I will talk about in detail the Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA).

Hawaii Website Design – All You Need to Know About Creative Commons

When you write blog posts, it is very essential to include images. Just make sure that the images are relevant to what your content is all about. However, you might not have the skills to take photographs yourself. So, the alternative to that is relying on the internet for relevant images (see: What Are Royalty-Free Images and Where to Get Them).

If you don’t want to rely on the internet, you can opt to take the images yourself. If you want to take the images personally but you don’t know much about photography yet, I suggest you read DIY Product Photography Tips and How to Have High-Quality Photos for Your Website.

assorted books lot

In every post you put out on your website, there must be at least one image. This is because images speak a lot. However, if you use images taken from other sources, you need to learn about Creative Commons first. If you want to know more about it, read on.

What is Creative Commons?

In 2001, a group of people got together and created the Creative Commons (CC) framework. Content creators from all over the world were given several ways to license and protect their original works through Creative Commons. When we say works, it could pertain to images, videos, songs, and other creative pieces. Creative Commons offers an extensive number of license types that content creators can choose from when they publish their works.

If you want to know about each license type, here are the following licenses under Creative Commons:

  1. Attribution (CC BY): Anyone can share you work, as long as they credit you as the creator.
  2. Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA): Same as the previous license, with the added warning that the licensee also has to use the same CC license you did when they publish the original or modified work.
  3. Attribution-NoDerivs (CC BY-ND): Anyone can share your work, commercially or non-commercially, but they can’t modify it and they also have to give credits to you.
  4. Attribution-NonCommercial (CC BY-NC): Anyone can modify you work so long as they’re not making money from it. Aside from not using it commercially, they also have to credit you, but they do have the choice on what CC license they choose to use.
  5. Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA): This is the same as the previous license, but the difference is that the other party must also use the same CC license as you.
  6. Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs (CC BY-NC-ND): This CC license is almost exactly like a traditional copyright. A person may download and share your works, only if they give credits to you. Also, they must not modify anything or use it for commercial purposes.

Now that you know what is Creative Commons, make sure you look for works which are filled under creative commons licenses. If you are asked to give proper credit or attribution, do so. You must also have consent of the original owner of the creative piece if you are planning to use it for commercial purposes. Without obtaining the owner’s consent, it means you are using their work illegally and you may face legal issues.

Hawaii Website Design – Tips on How to Generate More Website Conversions (Part 3)

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This is the third and last part of our discussion about website conversions. If you want to read the previous part, read Tips on How to Generate More Website Conversions (Part 2). So, when maximize your site conversions correctly, there will be a lot of benefits. For example, you can boost your profits by increasing the conversion rates of your website. The main point here is to be able to generate website conversions in the cheapest way possible.

If you want to know more about website conversions, here are more tips that will help your site convert:

  1. Study the Gutenberg Rule.

The Gutenberg Rule (also known as the Gutenberg diagram) is the concept about a habit of reading that is prominent in the western world, which is reading from left to right, top to bottom. The diagram has four quadrants: Primary Optical Area, Strong Fallow Area, Weak Fallow Area, and Terminal Area.

As our eyes scan the page from top left to bottom right, the diagram suggests that the bottom left area of the page usually gets the least attention. So, how can we apply this concept in getting more conversions? The best thing you can do is to place buttons and calls to action in the bottom right area instead of bottom left.

  1. Incorporate scannable feature lists on your site.

Web visitors often don’t have a lot of patience. This is because the time they’re spending on browsing your website can be the time that could be spent on doing a plethora of other tasks. When people invest their time on navigating around your website, you should offer something valuable in return.

Make sure that you have attention-grabbing offers because if don’t like what you offer, they’re likely to click away. For customers not to get bored, present your information in a way that it’s easy to digest. Make your marketing pitch  short and concise. Customers will appreciate it if it’s quick to read and simple to understand.

RELATED: Important Tips to Make Your Blogs Easier to Read

  1. Try A/B Testing.

A/B testing is also known as split testing. This test basically pits design A against design B to determine which performs better. It is a simple that helps you figure out things like, “where should you place the “Buy Now” button?

You can use Google Website Optimizer to perform A/B testing on your website. It’s easy to use and all you have to is provide the optimizer with the different assets you want to test. Afterwards, it will randomly load them for your visitors and track which leads to better conversions.

  1. Post testimonials on your site.

Another way that can help you in site conversions are testimonials. It is a great marketing strategy as it tells new customers that there are people who use and recommend your products. When new customers see testimonials, it can help relieve their doubts on purchasing a new product or service. Therefore, when they know that there are others who have tried it and liked it, it will make them interested in availing your product or service.

When you post testimonials on your site, make sure it’s a legitimate testimony from someone who has really used your product or service. The best thing you can do is to always add a source.

In conclusion, there are lots of things you can do to generate more website conversions. Make sure to use these tips wisely. While website conversions are immensely important when you want to optimize your campaigns, NEVER obsess over conversions. When you obsess over it, it might do you more harm than good. If you want to read the first part of our website conversion discussion, read Tips on How to Generate More Website Conversions (Part 1).

Hawaii Website Design – Tips on How to Generate More Website Conversions (Part 2)

Previously on Tips on How to Generate More Website Conversions (Part 1), I only gave out three tips. Now, I will share more tips that can further help you in website conversions. In case you don’t know, conversions are important as it helps bring your business closer to making sales.

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Nowadays, we can see more and more businesses that are expanding their presence online. If you are a business owner and your business doesn’t have an online presence yet, I suggest reading 4 Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Website and MORE Reasons Why Your Business Needs A Website.

Moving on, here are MORE tips on generating website conversions:

  1. Avoid choice paralysis.

Choice paralysis is a phenomenon in marketing. It happens when a user is presented with too many options to choose from. Choice is great but when people spend more time than they should during the selection process, they become paralyzed. When a customer has too many options to consider, they might end up avoiding it altogether.

To avoid choice paralysis, you should make it easier for your customers to find the product or service that is right for them. Talk about what each option is best for, and then suggest what they should choose. If possible, you can also incorporate visuals to highlight the most popular product and steer the customer’s attention towards it. However, if they are still confused, you can put a “default” choice.

  1. Show the product to your customers.

Think of yourself as a customer. You go to a physical store and you look at the products. You take time in examining it. Sometimes when the products are on sale, you can even get a chance to taste it. By gathering the information you need from there, you can decide whether to buy or not.

That is exactly the same thing you should do when you are selling products or services online. When you show your product to your customers, make sure it looks appealing. Even if you sell intangible goods like software applications, it is ideal to give your customers an idea of what it looks like. Appearance can be an indicator whether a product is usable or not. This is known as the aesthetic-usability effect. By providing attractive, high quality photographs of your product, you are letting people imagine your products and services.

RELATED: DIY Product Photography Tips • How to Have High-Quality Photos for Your Website

  1. AIDA

AIDA stands for: Attention, Interest, Desire and Action. It is is a well-known strategy in sales. AIDA is relatively simple and describes the sequence of events you should aim for to get a sale. Here is the sequence you have to go for if you really want to make a sale:

  1. You must successfully capture the attention of your potential customer. Once you get their attention, win their interest by explaining how your product or service can greatly help them.
  2. When they’re finally interested, generate a desire in them for your product. Tell them about the benefits it would bring.
  3. The last thing you have to do is you need to get these people to act. By act, it means purchasing the product or signing up for the service.

If people really want your product, all they need is a button to check out. However, if they are still unsure, try to present a limited-time offer. This can create a sense of urgency and motivate them further to act.

In conclusion, even if you have a great-looking website, it is not enough to sell the products or services. You have to utilize marketing strategies to make more conversions and sales. The discussion about website conversion is not done yet as I have more tips to discuss on Tips on How to Generate More Website Conversions (Part 3).

Hawaii Website Design – Tips on How to Generate More Website Conversions (Part 1)

When people visit your website that means you caught their interest. This is a good sign especially when you are running a business-oriented website. However, it shouldn’t stop there. You should be able to successful sell your products/services to them.

turned on black and grey laptop computer

Once you’ve managed to sell your product to a customer, use this as an opportunity to present more enticing offers to the customer. Aside from generating sales, this can also help boost your conversion rate.

RELATED: Tips on Improving User Experience and Increasing Conversions

If you want to increase your website conversions, here are some tips you can follow:

  1. Keep the requirements as low as possible.

You have to convince your users to buy your products immediately. One way you can do this is by keeping the requirements as low as possible. To understand customers’ needs and interests, you can implement personalization methods on your site.

One of the best things you can incorporate on your site is a shopping cart that would store the users’ sessions. By doing so, this will influence the customer to favor your store over others and it is more likely that he/she will return to your site to make a purchase.

  1. The best marketing strategy is great service.

When you offer great service, there’s a high possibility that customers will spread the word to other people. This will bring you more customers in the long run. What you should do is to offer your products at a convenient yet competitive price. You should also make sure that you are providing your customers with an excellent product description and offer a much better fulfillment-service.

By providing your customers with great service, you can improve the customers’ user experience, impact the reputation of your business, and boost your conversion rates. There is no better marketing technique than providing your customers with great quality service.

  1. Make the most out of the Thank-You Page.

The time after a conversion is made is actually the best time for the next one. For example, a user finally made a decision to buy your product and finished the checkout process. Once the purchase is done, it is now the perfect time to make sure that the customer is ready for his next purchase.

When a customer successfully bought a product from your site, it means that you already earned the user’s trust and collected essential data from the user. Not all online stores has a proper thank-you page where users are redirected to upon checking out. Use this to your advantage and make the most out your thank-you page. On the thank-you-page, you can advertise is advertise a newsletter. When you advertise a newsletter, make sure that you tell your customers what exclusive benefits they can get by disclosing their email address.

After customers make a purchase on your website, allow them to track their order. Encourage them to rate your store, leave a review/testimonial, or recommend the store to the other people through social media.

In conclusion, conversions help predict the success or failure of your website. While conversion rates are not everything, it’s still a factor that can indicate whether your marketing strategy is productive. Hopefully these tips will help you in improving your website and conversion rates. Read more tips about website conversions on Tips on How to Generate More Website Conversions (Part 2). If you are planning to make a website, read What A Successful Website Needs and What Customers Want to See on a Website.

Hawaii Website Design – 4 Things to Avoid When Blogging

Previously, I wrote a post about What A Successful Website Needs. Today, I will discuss the things you should avoid when blogging. Blogging is not just simply about posting content, you should also think about how your audience perceives your blog. When you are blogging, there are things that can potentially hinder your blog from being successful.

turned on Acer laptop on table near cup

When you want your blogging journey to have a favorable outcome, you must take the time to learn about the things you should avoid. If you are curious about the things you should avoid when blogging, read more below:

  1. Avoid having a messy blog.

Nobody wants to visit a messy blog. When it comes to blogging, less is more, so avoid filling your site with irrelevant design elements or images. Always make sure that the important details are clearly visible to you and your audience. Think about what should be the core of your blog and make it stand out.

For example, if you have new posts, it should be visible somewhere at the top of your site so that readers can easily see it. By doing so, you are making it easier for your audience to interact with your blog.

  1. Avoid having an incompatible site.

More than 5 billion people in the world have mobile devices. This is one of the reasons why it’s very important to have a website that is compatible even on mobile devices. You have to make sure that your blog visitors can also read and access your content on any devices.

Incompatibility can be avoided by using a design that is mobile responsive. When you decide to revamp your blog, make sure to use designs that are mobile responsive so that your blog will look perfect on different screen sizes.

  1. Avoid harsh colors and incomprehensible fonts.

This will depend entirely on your personal preferences but it is wise to refrain using color schemes that are harsh to the eyes. If you want to know more about color scheme, refer to Essential Tips in Choosing the Right Color Scheme for Your Website.

Aside from avoiding bold color schemes, you should also make sure that the fonts you use are readable. If you are unsure about what font you should go for, read Finding the Perfect Font for Your Website. You can also try to look at your site as if you were just a normal visitor. From there, decide on your own if you would be able to read all the content without any problems.

If you are looking for free fonts for your website, check out Free Fonts and Where to Get Them.

RELATED: Everything You Need To Know About Typography

  1. Avoid having weak navigation.

The moment a visitor arrives on your blog, he/she should know what your site is all about right away. When your blog has weak navigation, it is more likely that nobody will want to visit your site. Make sure to organize the navigation bars so that your audience can easily navigate through your blog. Also, don’t put too many buttons as this will create clutter. The simpler the navigation, the better.

In conclusion, when you avoid the things I listed above, you are more likely to be successful in blogging. If you are a blogger who’s currently in a writing slump, try to read Amazing Content Ideas for Your Blog and 3 Tips to Inspire You in Writing MORE Content.