Hawaii SEO – Things to Establish Before Building a Website (Part 2)

In Things to Establish Before Building a Website (Part 1), I reiterated the importance of defining the goals. Before building your website, you should follow the 3 tips I previously discussed.

printed sticky notes glued on board

After, the 3 additional tips below will help you gather more information for your website.

  1. Time to shoot good photos.

  • Web design will mostly deal with the visual elements. Naturally, you would need high-quality photos. Besides, you can’t just copy or download photos straight from Google. That’s not allowed and you could be liable for stealing other people’s work.
  • So, make sure you take time to shoot your own set of photos. Take as many photos as you can so that you will have a wide selection to choose from. Feature a variety of images to prevent from distracting and even boring your web visitors.
  • Avoid taking low-resolution and poorly lit photos. Try to shoot images in broad daylight. If it’s dark, try to use the proper equipment in order to produce a natural light. Also, add some interior shots of physical store if you have. A wide-angle shot of your own space will help customers feel homey and cozy.
  • For your online store, be sure to provide multiple photos  of the same products. Showing different angles of the products can definitely help customers to decide. More tips on: DIY Product Photography Tips
  1. Get to know your potential customers.

  • Once the photos are done, take time to know your audience. All your hard work from steps 1 to 4 will be useless if you don’t your intended demographics. When you know your audience well, you can customize your products and services to their tastes and preferences.
  • Before you create a website, know your who your potential customers are. You need to know exactly who you are trying to reach. It is best to identify their age range, location, gender, and socioeconomic status to help you build a  website that definitely speaks to the specific customers.
  • At this point, you should rely on data given by tools such as the Google Analytics page and the Facebook business page to get to know the potential customers.
  1. Gather the information you need to start creating awesome content.

  • Lastly, once you have identified the customers, you should formulate new and exciting content for them. You should start blogging and reach out to these people. Next, invite them to sign up to your email list. You can use an email marketing service to expand your network of followers.
  • These two strategies are the best marketing strategies for a fairly new website. Blog posts should informative for your audience. I have compiled Amazing Content Ideas for Your Blog. If you need help will writing, you could also refer to Essential Writing Tips For Blogging.
  • Generally, you would want to publish something concise and helpful to your web visitors. As much as possible, present your ideas using bullet points, detailing the important points of your post. Of course, don’t forget to study and research about your topic. Then, you are on your way to creating a great content for your website.