Hawaii SEO – Why Is Having a Blog Important for Your Website?

You might think blogging is a thing of the past. Wrong!

Believe it or not, up to this day, blogging brings people to your website. Having an active blog will help in giving your website a much needed boost. Below, I have discussed a few points on why blogging is essential in any kind of website.

pen near black lined paper and eyeglasses


1. Adds meaning and purpose to your website.

  • To be honest, blog content is easier to promote than the other pages of a website. Blatantly linking or sharing sales page seems off. On the other hand, when you add on a blog post, it becomes shareable. Hence, people get to share it on their social media pages because of the nature of your topic.
  • That is why it is recommended to always add a social sharing widget on all of your blog post. Visitors can then read and share on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and other online platforms. If you need more blog topic ideas, refer to Amazing Content Ideas for Your Blog.

2. Promotes user interaction.

  • A blog, if managed well, should be able to get reactions from its readers. Whatever the topic be, a blog post can encourage the readers to take action. It very possible to attract many readers to website through your blog.
  • So, take a moment to appreciate the comments, likes, and share each post has gained. Open your comments sections so you build a community within your small circle of readers. Then, the next time you check your blog, an influential blogger may have commented or shared your post. Who knows, right? Don’t lose hope because each blog post you publish will definitely add value.
  • Take time to interact with the people who posts comments because this is a great way to develop a relationship with your readers. Through your interaction, they might convert and become your actual customer.
  • Don’t just start a community; be active and engage with your followers. Collaborate with them if you want. This is a way for your website to get more clicks. These guest bloggers will bring a new set of potential customers your way.

3. Serves as another gateway to your website.

  • In SEO, one important ranking factor is content. More than anything else, Google classifies content as something extremely important. As per their search quality guidelines, Google places pages with Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-A-T) on the top of the search results.
  • Moreover, Google states that pages should have a clear purpose, and it should be able to achieve their purpose. In short, you should not post just to publish a new blog post. There should be a goal behind every article you are writing.
  • Make  sure all your blog posts are well-researched and well-written. Don’t try impress your readers by using highfalutin words that may end up confusing people rather than bringing clarity. Other writing tips are posted on Essential Writing Tips For Blogging.

Remember, search engines, including Google, values content. Use this to your advantage, and formulate content that will bring people in your website. Just be sure that your content is beneficial and useful to your readers.