Entries by Carmel

Hawaii SEO – Why Are Internal links Important?

Let me just make it clear: internal linking is a good practice for both search engine optimization and user experience. When you add a link within a web page, you are redirecting the users to related articles. Not only they learn something new, but this strategy also helps search engines discover more pages from your […]

Hawaii SEO – Boosting Rankings Using On-Page SEO Techniques (Part 5)

This will be the final post on Boosting Rankings Using On-Page SEO Techniques. For this post, I will focus on the importance of internal links, external links, and website comments. Insert internal links on the pages of your website In SEO, it is essential to link the pages within your website because: Build a WEBsite […]

Hawaii SEO – Boosting Rankings Using On-Page SEO Techniques (Part 4)

Yes, I heard you 3 parts are not enough to discuss the different on-page SEO techniques. So, for this post, I will focus on the importance of headings, images, and other content formatting practices. Headings and Content Formatting Tips First, let me discuss the headings. Because your content needs to organized, you should use the […]

Hawaii SEO – Boosting Rankings Using On-Page SEO Techniques (Part 3)

Welcome to the third part of my discussion on the different on-page SEO techniques. If you haven’t read the previous two articles, catch up on Boosting Rankings Using On-Page SEO Techniques (Part 1) and Boosting Rankings Using On-Page SEO Techniques (Part 2). Optimize Your Actual Content The next tip is to optimize your content in order to […]

Hawaii SEO – Boosting Rankings Using On-Page SEO Techniques (Part 2)

In Boosting Rankings Using On-Page SEO Techniques (Part 1), I started my in-depth discussion on the various on-page factors you can do to optimize your website. For this set, I will focus on how to optimize your page titles and meta descriptions. Tips in Optimizing Page Titles and Meta Descriptions When search engines scan the different […]

Hawaii SEO – 4 Keyword Research Tools (Paid Versions)

In the recent weeks, I have been slowly introducing the basics of Search Engine Optimization. I have been emphasizing on the importance of adding keywords into your content. Ultimately, I also suggested the use of keyword research tools. For beginners, I gave a few Google tools to help you get started. However, if your website […]

Hawaii SEO – How to Conduct Your Keyword Research?

By now, you would know about What Are SEO Keywords, Why SEO Keywords Are Important, and Where to Put SEO Keywords. Moreover, I also talked about The Common Keyword Types. So, the next logical thing to do is discuss the HOW part. In this portion, you need to know that the research totally depends on your needs and […]